October 30, 2010


Gary Murphy from Brownfish Handplanes is one my shaping heroes. I follow everything that he posts on the internet (stalker-ish?). I had the privilege of driving down to his house to watch him shape a board; I learned a lot that day. He recently wrote a post about me on his blog. I was so excited that I may or may not have been running around telling everyone in the house that "Gary blogged about me!" It simply made me feel great. Here is the link to that post: http://hand-plane.blogspot.com/2010/10/go-jake-go.html
Thanks Gary!

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome tribute he gave you and you are for sure one of the most amazing young men I have ever met in my life...I know we will see great things from you...even Gary Murphy thinks so too!
